Levington & Stratton Hall Together celebrates Victory in Europe Day


Bridge Rd, Levington, Ipswich IP10 0NA, UK

  • Raising Flag Raising Flag
  • Ringing of the bells Ringing of the bells
  • Singing 'I Vow To Thee My Country' Singing 'I Vow To Thee My Country'
  • Lighting a Lamp Light of Peace Lighting a Lamp Light of Peace
  • Lighting a Beacon Lighting a Beacon
  • Baking cake Baking cake

Hopefully, we will be able to encourage as many people to take part in some way or another, as possible. Activities throughout the day from 09.00 to 21.30 will include: Raising the Flag, displays in the Village Hall relating to WWII and VE Day, at 18.30 Ringing out of the Celebration of Peace and 21.30 Lighting of the Beacon and the Lamp of Peace. Other activities we hop to include are a Sing-A-Long of Wartime songs and Pie and Mash on the church Field between 18.30 and 21.30.

  • calendar_today 8th May 2025
  • schedule 9:00am - 10:00pm